Advocacy and Action
Voices for Justice Mission Statement
Voices for Justice (VFJ) was established in 2006, and is a department of the International Association of Sufism, a non-profit, United Nations, NGO-DGC. We are a group of youth leaders advocating for the rights of children by providing a forum for public awareness through: education, community service, events, and programs so that every child and every young adult has the opportunity to fulfill his or her highest potential. VFJ is committed to serving as a multi-religious, multi-cultural unified voice to advocate for children’s human rights and wellbeing.

Service Programs
In Support of the United Nations’ Mission to eliminate poverty and hunger and to achieve universal primary education, Voices for Justice has developed an on going programs to eliminate hunger and to contribute towards universal primary education. Some of VCF’s activities include the following:
- Holding food drives to support families in need in Marin County.
- Collecting non-perishable food items for donation to Women’s and Homeless Shelters.
- Collecting and distributing school supplies in Central America.