SWO Code of Ethics

Below please find:
  • The Sufi Women Organization’s Code of Ethics
  • An Open Letter to World Leaders addressing 

Sufi Women Organization Code of Ethics


The Sufi Women Organization, a humanitarian, non-political, non-sectarian organization, has been created to introduce, disseminate, honor and acknowledge, with Divine Guidance, the contribution and service of Sufi women to the world civilization.

The mission of this organization is to come together free from human prejudice to share the knowledge, wisdom, experience, and concerns of Sufi Women of the past and present with our societies and time, remembering that the essence of the human being, regardless of gender or color, time or place, has been regarded as reverent, dignified, and respectful by teachers of humanity. Such magnificence is the gift of the Being and recognizing such magnificence is learned.

Sufi Women Organization has come together to support, protect and educate for such learning. It is important that the Sufi teaching be protected, such teaching is not to be used for selfish gain or corruption of any kind. True Sufism requires great vigilance and sustained continuous self-improvement efforts. We, as a group of honorable and responsible women, have come together to serve as educators, guides, advisors, and friends.

As the result, the following Code of Ethics is created and honored by the Sufi Women Organization. These suggestions are offerings, but not mandates or regulations. Those who honor these suggestions honor them at their own free will.

As the result of this Code of Ethics, a Sufi Women Advisory Council will support a common ground for conflict resolution, reconciliation for the sake of humanity, and compassion and respect as important factors for maintaining healthy communities.

Code of Ethics Declaration and Principles

Be it hereby resolved:

1. Recognizing the value of human beings, we shall act with integrity, honesty and truthfulness, accepting responsibility for our well being and the cultivation of awareness within our society, culture, and civilization, beginning with ourselves.

2. The Sufi path is a path of honor and servitude. We put the work of the path above personal ambition and personal gain, and we seek to inspire others through our own lives and work.

3. We shall improve our own education, increase our skills, and strive to achieve within ourselves unity of thought, action and belief.

4. All human beings, regardless of gender, race, age, social and economic status, have the right to educate themselves to their full potential and to advance on the spiritual path. If they attain spiritual knowledge, they have the right to lead and attain spiritual leadership.

5. All people have the right to respectfully express their feelings and ideas, to receive recognition for their abilities and work, and what they have earned.

6. We respect the rights of others to hold values, attitudes and opinions that differ from our own as long as those values, attitudes and opinions treat all people with dignity, honor and respect.

7. Individuals, men or women, students or leaders, have the rights to refuse any request made by others if they feel such request or demand is immoral, unethical, unnecessary, or against their will.

8. We believe in the full representation of genders in public discussions, dialogues and forums on matters of spirituality and in making decisions about marriage, divorce, and education for all people as they relate to society and the family.

9. We dedicate ourselves to supporting those who suffer or are oppressed in our own communities and beyond, through our daily actions and active humanitarian works. We shall encourage the oppressed to speak and be heard by denouncing unethical conduct and manipulation within our own Sufi communities and in the larger society. We support human rights and humanitarian peace efforts through organizations such as the United Nations.

10. People who are oppressed or abused have the right to leave any oppressive and abusive situation without being outcast or blamed.

11. According to the Sufi Women Organization, sexual harassment or exploitation of anyone is inconsistent with ethical behavior.

12. We support and protect the rights of children.

13. We support equality of genders in both spiritual and secular domains.

The Sufi Women Organization reserves the right to modify and append the Code of Ethics according to our increased knowledge and experience gained through the application of the Code. The Code of Ethics is not intended to be legally binding on any members of Sufi Women Organization or any other persons nor shall any person be deemed authorized by SWO, expressly or implicitly, to maintain any legal or regulatory claim, cause of action, or lawsuit against any other person based upon or related to the guidelines and principles set forth herein.

Open Letter to World Leaders

The following letter has been sent to political, social, and religious leaders throughout the world. It was developed to raise awareness about the need to promote basic human rights universally, in both Muslim and non-Muslim countries.


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Compassionate.

Whoever obeys the Prophet, obeys Allah
Qur’an: IV, 80


The best amongst you are those who are best for their families; and their women are respectful and are honored among them. The most hateful is a society where women are neither honored nor respected. Said the Messenger of Allah.

Knowing about the abuses, cruelties, and violence committed against women and children in many countries, including Islamic, has made it necessary for us to write to you, our brothers/sisters in Islam to call for the safety, and honorable treatment of women and children.

This letter is a call for action by asking every Muslim to stand for what is right, and be an honorable model for generations to come. By recognizing and educating the truth of Islam, we emphasize on the standards set by the Prophet and his teachings. By ensuring women their rights, we honor men and women in Islam, for when women are treated with respect it reflects the true spirit of Islam.

The Islamic leaders of today have the unique opportunity to act as role models for future generations by following the spirit and teachings of Islam and the tradition of the Prophet (PBUH). It is imperative that the believing men take an active role in speaking forth on this issue and in ensuring that their errant brothers are held accountable for these injustices.

Should our Muslim leaders become the leaders of zulm (oppression) towards their own citizens, particularly women and children? Are you, as Muslim leaders or citizens, among those who can raise their heads with pride and claim that their women and children are safe, their rights are supported and protected, their interests protected?

Women’s rights, including rights to property, rights to education, rights to work, and right to divorce, are guaranteed by Islam. Are these rights being protected and established in your country? Are those who beat, oppress and disregard the needs of women arrested and punished?

The whole world is beginning to recognize the truth of the rights established by the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. Let not Muslims be the last to establish what is taught by Islam!

We urgently request that every possible, effective measure be exercised to protect women and children from violence and that those responsible are brought to justice in an expedient manner. We insist that this basic principle of human rights, the right to live in peace, be put into action by renewing the commitment to bridge the gap between the existence of rights and their effective and honorable follow through in each country.

We are writing this letter as a strong reminder of the moral and ethical responsibilities existent, not only for national authorities and citizens of the world, but for followers of Islam. The time for change is imminent; to prevent others from engaging in unethical behavior and to establish new local and international examples with heightened humanitarian awareness and action.

Let us work together to create a better tomorrow for all of us, all humanity.

Inshallah. Ameen.

Best Regards,
Sufi Women Organization Headquarters

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