Divine Melodies

Based in the San Francisco Bay Area of California, members of Taneen Sufi Music Ensemble are all salekin (students) of the Sufi Masters Seyyedeh Dr. Nahid Angha and Shah Nazar Seyyed Dr. Ali Kianfar. With an authentic fusion of Middle Eastern Sufi and Western musical influences, and deeply rooted in the Sufi tradition in its intention and inspiration, Taneen creates original melodies that wrap Sufi chant around sung Sufi poertry.
They primarily sing the ecstatic love poetry of the great masters (such as Rumi, Hafez, Omar Khayam, and Moulana Shah Maghsoud) translated into English by Seyyedeh Dr. Nahid Angha, making the profound message of love which the Sufis profess accessible to all audiences.
Taneen has performed before international audiences at such events as the annual Sufism Symposium, the Parliament of World’s Religions, the Nobel Peace Institute, the United Nation’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, and many other events.
Taneen’s music is available on iTunes, Spotify and CD Baby.

Featured Music
Taneen Sufi Music Ensemble
Featured Song: Ilahi (Prayer of Ansari)
Album: Call of Destiny

Avay-i-Janaan is an international group of poets, visual artists, and musicians who have come together from the same origin and are headed toward the same destination in eternity.
Members of the collective, trained also as scientists, engineers, cosmologists, and educators, weave leading-edge science from the wisdom of the mystical tradition in ways that foster felt connection between self and universe, origin, and potential.

Learn more about Avay-i-Janaan
in Sufism: An Inquiry
“Ultimately, it is you whom you are searching for;
the book of the Divine,
and the true essence of your being
is the Divinity within you
so worship not the unknown,
but find the truth of Being within.”
– Dr. Nahid Angha
empty pages abundant sea, silent morning whispers love songs to me
– Dedan Gills