Feature: Wisdom Retreat 2024

Extended Article
Wisdom Weekend Retreat 2024

Bi-smi llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm.

In February 2024, the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship’s California branch held a Wisdom Weekend Retreat at the home of their current president, Dr. David Katz. During this retreat, California branch members and participants from around the world gathered to listen to and discuss the teachings of Muhammad Raheem Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.). Dr. Katz graciously invited Insight to participate in the retreat. What follows is a short description of some of the beautiful teachings shared throughout the weekend.

Recitation of the wisdom of M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.):
The language between humans and God is in the understanding and embracing of the Divine qualities. We discover God in the qualities and come to know God in the secret of the heart. In this process, surrender is the key. We must surrender to the unity of existence in order to make space in our hearts for divine Mercy and Grace. This surrender is an active process. We must shed harmful qualities of the mind such as vanity, envy, and greed in order to gain Grace. Focusing on the attributes of God breaks the tether to the harmful qualities and helps to clear away our corporeal attachments, leading us to the peaceful center of heart. Prayer and Zikr, if done correctly and with the right intention, also makes space in our hearts for Divine Grace.

Teachers see through the veils of titles and possessions straight to intention. It is the intention in your heart that matters. Zikr is remembering the truth of Reality, remembering the treasure hidden within ourselves, and calling back to the unity for surrender. Performing Zikr with pure intention brings fulfillment of heart. Why should we care about what the world gives us if we have fulfillment in our hearts? Why place value on the accolades of the physical existence? All that matters is the wisdom and light that come with attaining Grace. Our role as travelers on the spiritual path is to constantly purify ourselves of that which is not Divine quality and make space for the light of Allah.

Summary of some of the final instructions of M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) to his students:
Use the time that you have left in this physical form to see the unseen by using God’s qualities in your life. Find justice and peace within your heart. Remember that peace flows from the heart and that the Sheikh can be found in the heart. Your duty is to foster the growth of justice, honesty, and integrity. You must be the one that gives the light of God’s qualities to your work.

Remember that the universe can be seen within the atom. Prophets will appear as they need to for their own specific times and place. Heed their words. The guru and God are one. Milk and yogurt are in your hands – make from the teachings of the prophets what you need to open your heart. The past is gone and the present is now your opportunity.

As your breath goes out, ask God for forgiveness. The breath that comes in is Allah.

Always remember: shaitan divides, truth unites.

Thank you to the California branch of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship for your companionship and for sharing the treasure of M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen’s (Ral.) light with us and our readers. Insha’Allah, we will put his wisdom into action.