Beyond Identification: “The Knowing of the Heart”
with Dorothy Hunt and Jamal Granick
Saturday, December 7, 2024, on Zoom
9:00am – 1:00pm
Registration: $50
Program Description
This year’s Beyond Identifications program considers the heart as a locus of knowledge and perception. The heart has been recognized as a center of awareness in many spiritual traditions since ancient times. Many healing traditions also recognize that the heart plays a central role growth and transformation.
Both of our presenters have presented teachings from their respective spiritual paths as well as practiced psychotherapy for many years. They will bring both experiential wisdom of spiritual practice and knowledge of human psychology to their offerings.
There is much to still to be learned about the role of the heart in promoting human development and healing. This program offers the opportunity to increase our understanding and awareness of how focus on the heart can remove impediments and increase the possibility of realizing our full human potential.
What You Will Learn
- How to listen to the heart’s knowing.
- What the heart knows that the mind can’t conceive.
- How somatic practice can support the healer’s resilience.
- How to discover a vast awareness that is not limited to conditioned views.
- How the heart’s knowing can support healing.

Learning Objectives
As a result of attending this retreat participants will be able to:
- list three terms from the teachings of Sufism that indicate a kind of knowledge that is not circumscribed by conceptualization.
- describe a practice for focusing on the heart as a way of knowing.
- list two findings from neuro-cardiology and/or interpersonal neurobiology that lend empirical support to the validity of heart-centered knowing.
- describe a practice of listening to the Heart’s knowing in order to explore deeper dimensions of their experience.
- discuss a vast open awareness that is not limited to conditioned views.
- describe an experience of peace that does not depend on the mind’s being peaceful or absent of thought.
For more information please call (415) 499-1115 or email
**International Association of Sufism is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, to sponsor continuing education for LCSWs, LMFTs, and LEPs, Provider number: 95354. IAS maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content. Continuing Education grievances and request for refunds, disability accommodations, copies of CEU certificates or other records should be directed to For our policies pertaining to these matters, please go to the policies page.